TOUN28 Solutions T1 - T9
Package design, product photography and content design for TOUN28 Solutions. TOUN28 is a customizing & premium skincare brand based in Seoul, South Korea. The brand seeks healthy beauty to benefit people and the environment and believes there needs to be a change in the cosmetics market. The skin changes every month. Skincare should be manufactured by predictive data analysis based on diagnostic results, not preferences or sensitivity. TOUN28 Solutions T1 - T9 are ampoules for spot care of 9 different essential skin problems. All ingredients are of 100% natural/natural origin.

Package Design | Product Photography | Content Design
250 x 175 x 45(h)mm
Package Design: Jung Hyun Sohn
Product Photography: Jung Hyun Sohn
Product Photography: Jung Hyun Sohn
Content Design: Jung Hyun Sohn